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4:35 AM ET, September 26, 2009


 Top News:
Evi Quaid Attacks Officer with Sign Language  —  Evi Quaid is using her fine-arts skills to attack the Presidio County Sheriff's deputy who arrested her — hand-painting a big, fat sign which accuses the officer of being a dirty, bribe-taking cop.  —  Evi painted the sign …
The Quaids' Mug Shots ... And So Much More  —  So we just got our hands on Randy and Evi Quaid's awesome mug shots — check out Randy's dapper coat-over-the-shoulder move — and just for kicks, the Quaids asked the Presidio County Sheriff to send specifically to TMZ two bonus gifts as well.  —  .
Quaid Goes ‘Psychotic’ on Cop Who Busted Her  —  Evi Quaid thinks the cop who arrested her and husband Randy is corrupt.  How do we know this?  Because she just showed up at his office and went “psychotic” on him.  —  Deputy James Davis of Presidio County Sheriff's Office in Marfa …
Discussion: E! Online (UK) and Perez Hilton
Hilary Shenfeld /
Mackenzie Phillips's Sisters Speak Out About Incest Claim  —  Mackenzie Phillips (Left) and Chynna Phillips  —  Her sisters are upset, her stepmother calls her a liar, but Mackenzie Phillips isn't backing down from revelations that she had a long-term sexual relationship with her father …
Michael K / Dlisted:
Bijou Says She Knew  —  Both Michelle Phillips and Geneviève Waïte have publicly kicked Mackenzie Phillips down by calling her a lie-lie-liar for saying she had a 10-year long sexual “relationship” with her father.  Now Bijou Phillips is taking the stage to give her own monologue.
Discussion: Oh No They Didn't!
Hollywoodreporter / The Live Feed | THR:
The CW cancels ‘Beautiful Life’  —  We have the first casualty of the fall season.  —  After two episodes, The CW has canceled Ashton Kutcher's scripted drama “The Beautiful Life.”  —  Wednesday's episode was seen by just 1 million viewers and generated a 0.5 rating in the adult demo.
Hollywoodreporter / The Live Feed | THR:
The CW orders Tinsley Mortimer reality show
Discussion: Perez Hilton, Gawker and Show Tracker
Perez Hilton:
Khloe Kardashian Rakes It In For Wedding Photo$  —  This is fame-whoring at it's best!  Nice work!  —  Khloe Kardashian and her soon-to-be husband Lamar Odom are said to be making bank on a deal made with a magazine vying for her wedding day shots.  The deal is for $300,000!!!  —  Damn!
Discussion: omg! and INF Daily
Pamela Anderson Flashes Her Aging Ass At Everyone  —  It's not really her ass that's so bad - it's the fact that her back looks like my grandpa's that makes the ol' stomach churn.  —  She's never been a fan of modesty, and Pamela Anderson showed off what the good doctor gave her at the A Muse runway show today (September 25).
Discussion: omg!
Brian Moylan / Gawker:
The Gay Housewives of New York Are Real and They're Coming to Get You  —  We heard rumors that the team behind the Real Housewives of Atlanta were working on an all-gay version of the franchise.  It's really going to happen.  This is the best thing to happen to gay people since poppers!
Discussion: Queerty and Just Jared
Candice Rainey /
Fashion Spotlight: Amber Rose  —  Think Kanye West is a fashion rebel?  Wait till you meet his head-turning girlfriend, Amber Rose.  Here, West styles his muse in the season's most body-conscious pieces  —  Stylistically, it's hard to pinpoint what it is exactly about Kanye West's muse …
Discussion: Oh No They Didn't!
Steven Zeitchik / Hollywood Reporter:
‘Star’ remake has legs  —  Will Fetters tapped to pen draft of script  —  NEW YORK — Warner Bros.' remake of “A Star Is Born” could finally be moving toward a due date.  —  The studio has hired up-and-coming writer Will Fetters to do a draft of the script with the aim of pushing the long-gestating project forward.
Jon & Kate Ratings Continue to Drop  —  Here's another reason to support family values: Happy marriage = high ratings.  —  Jon takes the twins to Starbucks  —  Jon and Kate Gosselin, once the reality show poster couple for the all-American family, are in danger of succumbing to — gasp! — low ratings.
Discussion: Socialite Life and Perez Hilton
Michael Jackson — I Could Have Touched Hitler  —  Michael Jackson truly believed that he could have charmed Hitler out of doing that thing he did back in the '40s, if only he could have had a sit-down conversation with the guy.  —  It's all according to a report from The Sun …
‘Michael Jackson Tapes’ details star's obsessions
Discussion: Digital Spy and Popeater
Laura Italiano / New York Post:
Kirsten dunce  —  Ditzy testimony on witness stand  —  Maybe Spider-Man could have saved her — from herself.  —  Actress Kirsten Dunst giggled her way through a half-hour on a Manhattan witness stand yesterday, apparently at sea when it comes to speaking in public without the help of a Hollywood script.
Randy Quaid: Dirty, Thieving Bastard  —  I guess the difference between Jay-Z skipping out on a $10,000 bill and Randy Quaid doing it, is that Jay-Z will actually give you the money instead of high-tailing it to Mexico.  —  Looks as if lovable lunkhead actor Randy Quaid …
Discussion: omg!
Charlotte Triggs /
Gisele Bündchen: We Don't Know the Sex of the Baby  —  Gisele Bündchen in June  —  Despite rumors that she's expecting a baby boy, Gisele Bündchen says she doesn't yet know the sex of her baby - and she doesn't plan to find out!  —  “We decided not to know,” Bündchen …
Marla Lehner /
Martha Stewart ‘Very, Very Sorry’ About Jessica Simpson's Dog Loss  —  Martha Stewart made a public apology to Jessica Simpson Thursday over the loss of the singer's beloved dog, Daisy.  —  “I said that she should have been watching her dog more closely, but I feel very …
Britney Custody Order Extended  —  Britney Spears will share 50/50 custody with Kevin Federline at least through the end of the year — TMZ has learned.  —  An L.A. County Superior Court judge extended the order that was initially put in place for Britney's concert tour.
Meet Whitney Port's New Roommate  —  When the new season of The City premieres on Tuesday (10:30 p.m. EST) on MTV, Whitney Port is in for some changes, including a new position at People's Revolution and a new life as a single girl.  She's also getting a new roommate, her high school friend Roxy Olin.
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 More News: 
Peter Sciretta / /Film:
ET's Iron Man 2 Set Visit Footage
Erik Davis / Cinematical:
Diablo Cody Writing Hugh Hefner Biopic?
Nikki Finke /
EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: MGM Makes Phone Plea To Bondholders To Stay Alive …
Ryan Kwanten on the Sweet Taste of ‘Blood’
Tim Walker / Telegraph:
Jude Law will not see daughter Sophia for three months
Discussion: Dlisted, CelebNewsWire and PopSugar UK
Phil / Egotastic!:
Kelly Brook Gets Naked for Ralph Lauren
 Earlier Picks: 
Marc Malkin / E! Online:
What Lautner and Swift Did for Valentine's Day
Discussion: OK! Magazine and The Dish Rag
X17 Online:
The Curious Case Of Brad Pitt's ID Card!
Discussion: and omg!
Sorry, Girls: Justin Guarini Is Getting Married!
Discussion: omg!
Associated Press:
Susan Atkins, Manson Follower, Dies
Discussion: Gawker
Kaiser / Cele|bitchy:
Avril Lavigne might have left her husband for moron Brandon Davis
Discussion: Hollywood Dame

From Mediagazer:

Max Tani / Semafor:
Details of CNN's ad packages for its Biden-Trump debate on June 27: a top-tier level with a $1.5M minimum, limits on spending by campaigns and PACs, and more

Wall Street Journal:
Sources: Disney and Comcast's NBCUniversal hit an impasse in Disney's buyout plans for NBCU's 33% Hulu stake, with a significant disagreement over valuation

Michael M. Grynbaum / New York Times:
MSNBC, CNN, and other networks cut away from Trump's speech, which included false statements about his trial; ABC and CBS did not interrupt their regular shows

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