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Britney Spears Topless!!! — This is how we want to see Britney Spears make a comeback! Forget about the lipsyncing, floundering on stage, and ripping off her fans! Just get naked! — These pictures were taken in early April of this month at a friends house. Too bad she didn't do this 6 years ago!

Britney Spears Topless Pictures! — Um, yeah. I don't even know what to say about these pictures of Britney Spears topless. What can you say about this girl that hasn't already been said? The desperate cries for attention. The ridiculous outfits? That Stupid. F**king. Hat.

Britney Spears Hits the Stage Again — Britney Spears performed live late Tuesday night for the first time in nearly three years with a 14-minute set for screaming fans in San Diego. — After a career break that featured a marriage, two children, divorce and rehab, Spears …

Britney Spears' Big Comeback — After watching Britney Spears's in these vids, I'm happy to report that her lip synching skills have not suffered during her recent meltdown. She convincingly faked her way through a "comeback" set at The House of Blues. Faking her way through things has kinda been her motto these days though.

Britney Spears is in Concert — In her first public concert in three years, Britney Spears performed a 15-minute set at the San Diego House of Blues last night. Opening with Baby One More Time, Britney, dressed in a pink bra, a short skirt, boots (gasp!) and a brown wig, performed four more songs from her earlier albums.

'Scary Spice' Melanie Brown: I'm Taking Eddie Murphy to Court — Melanie Brown, who welcomed her second daughter, Angel Iris Murphy Brown, last month, says she's taking ex-boyfriend Eddie Murphy to court to force him to take a paternity test. — "He's not doing a DNA test and he's not signing …

Scary Spice Ain't Playin' 2: Bringin' In The Lawyers
Haute Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Wants a 21st Birthday Bash in Vegas — You think Lindsay Lohan parties now? Wait until she turns 21. — "I'm going to milk it because it's a big birthday," Lohan, who plans to mark the July milestone with a bash in - where else? - Las Vegas, says on Wednesday's The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Angelina: Angelina Gives Ex "Lap Dance" While Brad Babysits — On the afternoon of April 27, Angelina Jolie made her directorial debut at the Tribeca Film Festival with her documentary about daily life around the globe A Place in Time. — But Jolie's real show, however, didn't begin until later that night.
A Socialite's Life, Dlisted, The Blemish, Hollywood Rag, The Superficial, Don't Judge Me and What Would Tyler Durden Do?

Wedding Crashed: Esposito and Cooper Split — TMZ has learned that actress Jennifer Esposito has filed for divorce from her husband of four months, Bradley Cooper. The documents, filed Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, cite irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split.
Celebrity Blog …, Dlisted, Backseat Cuddler, Seriously? OMG!, The PEN15 Club and We Love Celebs!

Rosie Getting Soft — Rosie O'Donnell has alerted the global media via website haiku that she will not longer be verbally backhanding Elisabeth Hasselbeck on "The View" because Hasselbeck's with child . First off, please stop with the haikus. It's not adorable, or whimsical or heartfelt.

Rosie: No More Rasslin' with Preggy Elisabeth — There'll be no more bullying Elisabeth Hasselbeck by Rosie O'Donnell — and the cease-fire is all for the benefit of the Hasselbaby. — So proclaimed Rosie herself in her blog late last night. After yesterday's show …

Is Katie Holmes flirting with her co-star? — Plus: Lindsay Lohan already may have fallen off the wagon — Has Katie Holmes developed a roving eye? — Is there trouble in TomKat paradise? — Katie Holmes has been "flirting" with her "Mad Money" co-star Adam Rothenberg …

Keira Knightley 'Devastated' by Anorexia Rumors — Keira Knightley says she was "devastated" when images of her appeared in magazine articles about the "skinny celebrity" debate. — "When all that blew up, I felt terrible," the actress, 22, tells the British edition of Elle in its June issue.
I'm Not Obsessed

Momjaya Starring in the Bong Show — Sanjaya Malakar's mom — who's already served jail time for some serious pot production — could be in more hot legal bongwater after this photo of her was snapped at a Hollywood party in March. — In the shot, obtained by the National Enquirer …
A Socialite's Life, New York Post, MollyGood,, Bricks and Stones and The Post Chronicle

Sienna Miller Nipple Slip? Or Just a Bit of Nip? — To say these pictures show a full-on Sienna Miller nipple slip would be a bit too strong a claim, however, she was caught at just the right angle, and if you look closely, you can see some Sienna Miller nipple action.

Natalie Portman, je t'aime — Here's Natalie Portman, once again looking resplendent, at the premiere of Paris, je t'aime (that's "Paris, I Love You," for those of you who don't speak even the tiniest bit of French). As always, Natalie is absolutely perfect, and there is nothing bad I can possibly say about her.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH BRITNEY'S BABY?!? — good morning everyone! oh i'm tired - i had a great night last night which included attending a record release party for tori amos - she performed a lovely short set and it was awesome to hear some of her new songs played live ('almost rosey' is the best) …

TABLOID QUEST: MAKE 'EM GAY — THE supermarket scandal sheets will go to amazing lengths to try to "out" even the straightest Hollywood stars, a new tell-all on the tabloid biz reveals. — That's the assignment freelance writer Marlise Elizabeth Kast got when editors at Globe asked …
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